
Why Hand-Keying Data Hurts a Bottom Line

Written by Bret Brummitt | 9/7/23 7:48 AM


Hand-keying data is risky.  Entering data by hand isn’t just a hassle; it also hurts your company’s bottom line. Companies that rely on outdated models of data entry experience the pain of inefficiency in several ways.

First, staff must re-key data into separate programs because the company’s systems don’t interact. When a simple insurance policy or payroll change means typing the same information two or three times into different systems, the company is both wasting time and needlessly exposing itself to risk.

Second, staff must manually enter data that could have been captured automatically.  Here’s how the hand entry of data impacts your company:

1. It’s risky. Manually entering data is an error-prone process that exposes your company.
2. It’s inefficient. Hand-keying the same data over and over again is a poor use of staff time.
3. It’s frustrating. Your team would rather focus on value-added tasks, not data entry.
4. It’s slow. Manual data entry is just not the fastest way to enter data.
5. It’s vulnerable. Maintaining HIPAA and PHI data is vital. Most often the individual in many companies who is doing the data-entry isn’t even trained in proper security and data protection.

In closing, smart and integrated benefits, human resources, and payroll management systems can reduce the inefficiency and errors associated with hand-keying data through smart automation and interconnected programs. A full-featured Employee Lifecycle solution provides companies with the tools needed to increase revenue, boost efficiency, and reduce risk. Ask us how Generous Benefit’s technology can increase productivity and protect your company.