Many brokers say things like “Small group is just a commodity.” This makes our blood boil, as we believe small businesses deserve respect in benefits and we enjoy providing it to them. Brokers say it and insurance carriers say it. Heck, even industry insider authors and analysts say it.
And they are saying it about a product, not the recipient. But, this belief has permeated as the designers, masters of industry, and authors of health coverage for half of America’s workforce has grown callous and cold towards the little guy.
Small business insurance isn’t a commodity
The majority of US business are small businesses and half of the US workforce is employed by a small business. And the culture of our health insurance industry dares to utter the words “just a commodity.”
Do we have to use our brains to come up with unique solutions for small employers? Absolutely. We like using our brains to improve the community for the very people that make it what it is.
Is it where the huge money is? No. But do we do it all for the money? Generous Benefits doesn’t. We totally understand that there may need to be some minimum consulting fee as we don’t expect anyone to work for free. But, simply dismissing a business because they don’t have a workforce of 10,000 is missing the point of what we all do.
We serve small businesses with care and respect
Doesn’t the product for half of American workers deserve a bit more care, compassion, and a culture of respect and reverence?
We revere the small business and the small business worker. We are humbled by the small business owner and worker, alike. A product for these people can’t be just a commodity.
Let’s check our words and speak with care. Small employers deserve a product that is caring and provides an excellent consumer experience.
Join us as we treat the small employer with the respect, reverence, and desire to help advance businesses and employees through the services and client solutions we provide.