Give the Gift of Time from a Health Advocate!!
Give the gift of time from a health advocate. You, your employees, and your family members deserve a little extra help. Someone to do some heavy lifting. Someone to do the ugly grunt work of healthcare navigating and advocacy.
When looking for a perfect gift, give them a service that gives them their time back.
freshbenies is the perfect stocking stuffer this year. It gives so much. It saves time, money and frustration.
Here are some simple ways that your gift of healthcare advocacy will improve your employees and your family’s lives.
Have they ever had trouble understanding complex bills and identifying errors?
Even being in the industry, this is no easy task to figure out who’s claim was processed correctly. You have to ask: Did this service get applied to my deductible? Is the provider covered correctly? Was the claim denied? Should I actually owe that much? Haven’t I already reached my out-of-pocket maximum? Should I pay this?
You can only imagine the time and energy to track down, make six different phone calls plus at least six more due to being transferred to different people and different divisions.
This is one of the big areas where the gift of an advocate can help.
Advocates can navigate the claims and bills you receive, make the phone calls on your behalf and gather the data for you. All you have to do is provide the bills and sign an authorization for the advocate to go to work.
Spending 10 minutes and waiting for the research from an unbiased, independent professional is such a better use of our time (and yours) than doing it all alone.
Have they taken the time to research where a service costs less?
Lab tests, MRIs and outpatient procedures are just a few common items that can have huge swings in cost. There is no real rhyme or reason here. Just know that the same service may be substantially cheaper from one provider to another.
For a real-life example, I have seen the cost for my own family vary by $800 when pricing out an MRI for my own needs. It is shocking to see the price difference offered by a local provider versus a close by Dallas hospital for an MRI without contrast.
But, you and your employees don’t have to be the one calling around and speaking industry jargon like CPT or ICD-10 just to get a price.
An advocate will navigate that pricing shopping chore for you. They will consider your insurance network benefits first to maximize your plan and keep your personal costs as low as possible.
Have you ever wanted to negotiate a lower fee or file an appeal?
You shouldn’t have to just give up in defeat.
We see members pay money they don’t owe and sometimes forego the care they deserve.
An advocate will attempt to negotiate any fees and help to keep your member’s out of pocket costs lower. This can even be done prior to receiving services.
And those bills that come in from Non-Network, Non-Covered Providers? You advocate will become your personal “fixer.” They may reduce or even eliminate these costs for your employees. We’ve even seen them successfully get an employee reimbursed for a surgery where they had given up on the health plan covering it. The advocate worked hard to coordinate across anesthesia, surgery, and the hospital. Eventually, the employee was reimbursed for it all.
Oh, and that dreaded appeal? That process takes a specialist to handle. This isn’t for the faint of heart and way more burdensome than necessary.
An advocate will help formulate the argument, gather supporting documents and write the letter of appeal for you—and even represent you in the event of a hearing. You didn’t want to go that alone–they are by your side.
So much more….
Adding an advocacy plan to your benefits really is necessary.
No one person can handle the time and complexity of our healthcare system and at the same time best utilize their insurance plan.
Save yourself and your employees a great deal of time and frustration with:
- Scheduling earliest appointments for hard-to-reach specialists
- Facilitating the transfer of medical records, X-rays and lab results prior to a scheduled appointment with a new physician.
- Finding options for non-covered services & negotiating discounts
- Answering questions about test results and recommended medications/treatments
- Helping your employees understand Multi-Tiered Prescription Plans
- Locating lower-cost sources for prescription drugs
- Resolving questions between your employees and pharmacies regarding their dispensed medications.
- Securing second opinions
- Coach employees for physician visits and procedure
- Help your employees better understand medical terms, tests, medication and treatments.
Give healthcare advocacy to your team and spread the gift of time!